ROTEX Company, that produces various articles of plastics, has been existing on the market since 1982. It is a private enterprise, which employs over 100 workmen. Our company specializes in the production of articles of plastics for gardening,but via cooperation we are producing also for household, automotive, office, electro-technic, furniture branches.
At present we produce the following products:
1.The gardening branch – flower-pots, balcony boxes, vases
2.The household branch – components to washing machines and hydro-extractors like: rims, covers, shields, handles
3.The electrotechnic branch – components to engines like: electric motor ventilators, terminal boards
4.The office branch – office shelves, CD-Cases
5.The furniture branch – armchair back covers, furniture handles, furniture foots
Our product is controlled at all stages of production. I would like to add, that we already have earned the experience in production of components of plastics to many different branches, which is surely a benefit to the quality of our goods.
We are always ready to begin full co-operation, which is the possibility of creating completely new element according to Your needs and expectations, and start a new production line. We are aware, that we must meet highest requirements, so I feel obligated to shortly introduce our capabilities:
We possess injection moulders of such companies as: ARBURG,BATTENFELD,KRAUS, MAFEIN, DEMAG, with clamping force from 25 to 600 tones, inject capacity from 30 to 3000 grammes and possibility of vertical and horizontal inject. We also have injection moulders, which are suitable for a two-component inject.
In the production we have performed till now, we have used the following materials: Polypropylene, Polystyrene, Polyethylene, ABS, Polyamide and other modified plastics.
We kindly invite You to cooperation with us. We are convinced that will meet Your highest requirements.